Oh Beach I have missed you... Your colors, your vibrance, your own quirky style and seafood.
Watching friends head to the beach for weeks at a time has had me longing for the simple sea life. In Florida we took the beach for granted. Just a 30 minute jaunt and we were soaking up the rays and enjoying the salty air and breezes. Now that we are a good 3 hours away, a quick little trip isn't all that easy. Thankfully my mom was able to feed our need for the beach in Savannah. Tybee it was...
Kylie spotted this truck 3 times over the weekend while we were at the beach and so one time we were near enough to take a quick pic with it. What could be better than pink camo?? But then we saw the COOLEST pink camo jeap and this handpainted truck was history. Sorry Mr. Truck!
Maybe this go cart would suit her better?
Oh but this is what we really came for...
One thing about being near the beach is that you have wonderful little hole in the wall places which serve all sorts of fresh seafood. Fun places that are out of the ordinary and full of life. Just waiting for dinner was an experience!
And with kids, the inside of some of these joints are full of excitement too!
While Jake slept in the house, it gave Kylie and I some time to explore. I don't think I have laughed that hard in so long with this sweet girl. Seeing her get up on this huge bike, trying her best to ride it without crashing and me following behind her trying to get a picture of it sure made for some fun times. Needless to say we made it pretty far and then returned home all in one piece. She loved it and I do have to say, she can ride a huge bike really well!
We also hit some shops and had some girl time. Gotta love beachy shops under oak trees...
More and more I am reminded that my baby girl is growing up. She is more than a daughter to me, she is a friend and a companion. One who I laugh with easily and how much fun we have. When it is the two of us, we can focus on eachother and we have such a refueling time. I was purposeful this weekend to spend intentional time with her.
The next day while everyone was still asleep at the house, Kylie and I woke up early and headed to the beach to see what was going on at sunrise. It was beautiful.
Kylie loves posing so we took some time to take a few pics of her on the beach.
And let the diva shots begin...
But our eyes just kept drifting back to the beautiful sunrise that kept us captive.
So later on in the morning, we all headed out to the beach as a family... Jake I think led the way. Although he really hasn't had a beach experience, he thought he knew what he was doing. Were we surprised? Oh nope!
We chose to go to the North Beach at Tybee instead of the main strip. We were thankful that we did as it isn't as crowded and it felt like it was more our beach. Plus, it offered some great views!
My mom did a copious amount of research on the best types of sunscreen for the kids. Jon took his time applying Luke's sunscreen.
And this was the result!
It all rubbed in and turned our kids a ghostly white but they didn't burn that day!
By the way, did I tell you we love the beach?
I was so thankful that Jon was able to join us on this trip. He flew down just so he could hang with us that weekend. No calls, no work just us family. Together... He is such a great father and husband!
Can you tell where this is going. Jake + a flock of seagulls = terror.
And what is the beach without seashells...
Hee hee... not one of those shells came home with us... but don't tell the kids!
Let me stop for a moment and talk about siblings. I grew up an only child. While it gave me some great skills at entertaining myself, I think I probably missed having a playmate on trips. I think the best part of being a parent is watching your children bond together as siblings. Each one shares their own special moments with eachother. Somehow I worried with three children there would be one left out, hurt feelings or drama but so far, that hasn't been the case at all. I am thankful that they all seek joy in eachother. Sure there is fussing and fighting at times but mostly they show love to eachother.
How I wish I could see this more often!
Jake had been to the beach but he wasn't quite old enough to really experience it. This time he seemed to soak it all in with a caution that I don't see too much of! He watched the waves roll in with such seriousness!
When Jake gets focused on something whether a toy, an animal or looking at waves, there is no distracting him. I am sure this will be an interesting quality as he grows up! I love how he studied the waves. I wondered what was going on in that sweet head of his.
All the studying of waves could make him feel comfortable when one knocked him over. He was quick to recover and seek assistance of a daddy nearby.
And boy did he grip hard.
We laughed at how such a fearless boy would get so shaken up by a little wave but we understood that this was a new experience. Most likely next time he will gain confidence and plow through waves like nobody's business. But isn't that the way life is? Experience the bad then grow?
Then fly...
Safer ground meant for a relaxed boy. And what one doesn't like to dig in sand? That was his element.
The boys wrestle around but these two are like supertwins. When one is gone, the other mopes around trying to figure out what to do to fill his/her time. They laugh hard together all caught up in their little world.
I could have stayed at the beach for weeks on end. No timelines, no overly protecting the kids as they had one huge sandbox to play in. No thoughts of work... Just the beauty of God's creation that was evident at every turn.
Funny how as I am writing this at home now, I look out my window and see leaves changing hue. I know summer is just about over in North Carolina. I am thankful that we could squeeze a little bit more out of the hot season by our visit. Fall is coming but for now I will enjoy these last days of summer!