Thursday, May 20, 2010

Park day!

Daddy got home early tonight so what better way to celebrate his arrival but by loading up the family van and going to the park. North Carolina hasn't let us down so far with weather and today's low 70's made it a perfect day to be outside. With the sun shining down on us from the lake, the evening was magical as we enjoyed the fresh breeze, warm air and giggles from carefree kids!

One giggle caught my attention as Jake enjoyed his first ride in a baby swing. He spent most of the evening right there, going back and forth and back and forth. The only varying thing was the person pushing.

Different people would come and push and it would give Jake a rush like it was his first time on the swing. Kylie has a certain knack at making him grin the biggest. They share a special bond that none of us can even come close to. They both just light up in each others presence and it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Yes, a bit sappy too...

Luke has a knack too - of taking fantastic abstract pictures that capture Jake's gooey goodness. Seems like Luke can work his own magic in Jake's eyes too!

How can you not smile back at these faces!

After awhile we decided to mosey on down to the lake and watch the kids throw rocks until they could find no more. They had a blast enjoying the sun, soft wind and the thrill of hurling rocks the size of their fists to the calm waters below. It amazes me that we didn't have to have an all out rescue of one of the kids.

And then Jake worked a little magic of his own...

A little more swinging, a little more playing we decided to call it a night. Sweet baby Jakers was getting glassy eyed and it just didn't look right to let him sleep where he was, even though he never complained.

Oh the simple joy of tonight. The freedom to play, to be silly and to enjoy the company.

Oh the freedom...

You know we will be comin' back!


  1. Awww....what a great looking family! Those chubby little legs on Jake are just too much! So cute.

    It looks like you guys had a great day and I love your blog by the way. :)

  2. Holy Cow! Jake is huge!!! Definitely a cutie though! Love the picture of Kylie where you can see all the freckles!!! Would love to get down and see you all again soon!


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