Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Remember workboxes? If you are new to Workboxes, check out this first post here and then some others here and here.

Have I mentioned that life has been supersonic around here? Like seriously moving at the speed of sound (or light, whatever floats your boat!) Ya know, having a baby and moving at the same month kind of does that too you. I feel a bit hamsterish who is caught in the wheel but it has been good.

For weeks, my kids have been begging, I mean really pleading me to set up the workboxes. The shelving was becoming some kind of storage system that it was not intended to be. Today my daughter took care of it herself! She informed me that she would be setting up the workboxes for both her and her brother. OK then!

So after about 30 minutes Kylie declared school ON. Can I tell you she had some great things in there for both her and her brother! They diligently worked on school for 2 hours and knocked out all of their subjects with no complaint. I forgot how good workboxing was! So much easier with a baby since they have control of their day. Remember that V8 commercial back in the day? Well, I was knocking myself upside the head for not having the workboxes going all along. Ahhhhhh....

Here is proof that the day went well!

If you have great ideas in what to put in the workboxes, leave me a comment! I would love to hear how workboxes work in your home!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Kylie!!!

    So glad y'all had a great day. Love it when they can take things on for themselves. You have a real go getter! Enjoy!


    PS The testing didn't take any longer (surprisingly). They really give a lot of time for the tests so that wasn't a problem.


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