Sunday, July 20, 2008

21 Day Challenge...

They say it takes 21 days to make a habit and I need habits! I have let my eating, sleeping and lack of excercise overtake me! Things have gotta change!

So here is my plan.

- Wake up before 6:30 - have some quiet time and coffee and be out the door at 7
- Run - either at the gym or outside (way too hot!!!)
- Go to bed before 10:30pm

My hope is that by excercising, I will want to eat better and drink my water. Then I will get back down to a healthy weight. I just feel blah right now!

I will edit this post daily for 21 days to keep me accountable in my undertakings! Anyone want to join me??

Day 1
- up and out of the house - ran 2 miles, walked 1
- drank my water and kept it in good point range through weight watchers.
- I am dead tired so I now I will be snoozing way before 10:30!
Day 2
- up and awake by 7 - my ds woke up at the same time so no excercise yet! My plan is to go tonight and walk 3 miles after they go to bed.
- drinking my water and eating well!
- I am sooo ready for bed and it isn't even the evening yet!
Day 3
- up and out - ran 2 miles and walked 1 - just trying to get my groove back.
- drank my water and ate well!
- went to bed at 11:00pm - oh well!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are doing a great job friend! Woohoo!!! I'm not sure I can join you, but I'll cheer for you! :-)



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