And why are there firetrucks when there is supposed to be pictures of animals etc.? That is because the day we first went out there, the Summerfield Fire Dept. were doing some tests on a truck and Jake was able to benefit from it while the big kids were taking their class!
One fireman let Jake get in and pretend to drive!
This area is so beautiful to just walk around so when the older kids were busy in their class, we just hiked around and enjoyed the morning.
Of course the firemen made it more enjoyable for Jake!
He was able to get his own little class too!
This firefighter took Jake around and answered every single question Jake had. And I tell you, there were a.lot.
After going around the truck a few times and a half an hour later, we hit the trail again.
The kids had a blast and are learning tons. I am so thankful there are many opportunities for homeschoolers in NC.
The teachers have been wonderful at letting the kids work at their own pace. Jake has even been able to benefit from the class. Here they are learning about snakes and of course Jake has to be right up in the action.
It was such a beautiful day out that after the class we decided to go to Bur Mill park and hike around up there. I am amazed at the difference between winter and spring. The greens are so bright and lush!
These three crack me up. Here Jake is trying to push Luke in the water. They just laugh and giggle like crazy. Getting them outdoors is perfect for breathing easy and enjoying the time together.
This kid is rarely on his feet anymore.
Love her!
Deep in thought...
Spotting a bug or two... This kid loves exploring nature!
Found a neat seed pod.
Heading on back to the car.
And lest I forget, the kids have been playing soccer. The last time they played, they were 4 and 5 so it has been fun with them really playing instead of swarming around a ball.
They are on the same team which makes it nice for practice and games.
With the weather warming up a bit, I hope to get everyone out more so we can enjoy what our area has to offer!

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