Society has some deep roots in the thinking of women (and men too!) I just figured I would be employed, put the kids in day care and come home to them at night to tuck them in bed! That is what so many women did and I did go to college so I wasn't going to waste all of that work.
Then a year and a half into our marriage, I got pregnant. At 12 weeks we lost the baby. While it was a painful time, it shook my world and it turned my thinking upside down. I was shocked at the love, hope and emotion that was wrapped up in my sweet unborn child. I knew right then and there, I could not leave a child in daycare.
My husband and I changed jobs where we could both be "stay at home" parents and still work. We were at a Children's Home who allowed us to have two children so we thought this was a perfect set up! For 7 years we called the Children's Home our home and we raised our two older children there. It was a blessing! When we became pregnant with Jake, we were asked to move to another position or leave our job as houseparents so leave we did as we couldn't put our kids in daycare.
For me, I wanted to be there at my kids first coo, first tooth, first steps and all of the assorted other firsts. Nobody could raise my child with more care and concern than my husband or I. I often joke that becoming a parent has made me into some wicked control freak but hey, there are worse things right?
Our journey took us to North Carolina where Jon landed a job. He left me for the very first time to be the breadwinner while I took care of the kids. I can't say that it was easy that first year! I was spoiled by all of his care and attention to his family. I am still like a struggling swimmer trying to keep my head above water but most days I can lay my head on my pillow thankful for the day that had transpired.
So that long story led me for my book choice last week. I was strolling by the bargain isle and saw In Praise of Stay at Home Mom's by noneother than Dr. Laura and I thought, "hey! I could use some bolstering!" So buy it I did.

It is an easy read and of course a lot of it I already "know" but fail to remember when I am in the thick of changing diapers, cleaning,cleaning and cleaning and did I mention cleaning? I am blessing my home, blessing my family with every swipe I make! There are no stats, no studies, just encouraging words from Dr. Laura and listeners to remind you that it is all worth it!
Because it was such a blessing to me, I would love one of you to have it as well. I know there are plenty of SAHM's who read my blog so you know what I am talking about! You know you could never turn down any encouragement! So leave a comment and on February 4th, I will choose a winner from Please leave me your email addy so I can contact you!