Nothin' better than laughter, splashing and sun to brighten up our spirits. Lazy days chilling on beach chairs enjoying each others company. My favorite is sitting at the edge of the pool while the kids show off their many talents in the water.

Did I mention happy smiling kids?

Proof that long periods of time in the pool are good for the soul.

Another tradition that has been 6 years going strong is bubble baths in my Mom's jacuzzi tub. One time we had bubbles so high, they touched the ceiling! I swear I only put a drop of bubble bath in - Really! Now only a super small amount of gel is squirted in but it always causes an eruption of smiles and shrieks of joy when I start that Jacuzzi timer going. The roar of the jets swirl up the bubbles in no time and the kids think they are in bubble paradise.

Days like this goes in the record book for good memories. Warm sun, refreshing water and out of control bubble baths. Can't get much better than that!