As most of you know, I am a part of a wonderful online community who all use Five in a Row (FIAR) homeschool curriculum. For years now we have challenged eachother with choosing a Word of the Year instead of thinking up New Year's resolutions that most of us break anyway. For me, choosing a word that represents my hope and goals for the future is much more do-able. It serves as a litmus test as to what I should be striving for in the New Year.
I know I have been doing it for more that 2 years but somehow I have braindumped my words from previous years. 2010's word was Strength as we entered a new year of changes with me staying at home, and trusting that all of our provisions would be met. The word Strength meant more than just physical strength, it was emotional as well. It was a constant reminder that God is my strength and I could do all things through Him. That word was a comfort to me during some really stretching times.
A good mental picture of my life, and probably others as well is a pendulum. The pendulum swings from one side then back, over and over rarely just staying in the middle. Either a lot or a little but rarely a happy medium. Because of that, my word from 2011 was Self-Discipline to get to the middle. To listen to that voice to get off the computer and play with the kids, to complete school when all we wanted to do was play, to fold the laundry and complete all the other home chores before getting another project out. You get the picture... Can't say that I am in a happy medium yet, but it was in the forefront of my mind to be obedient to God's still, small, voice. Can I use this as a Life Word? Sigh....
So all of this leads me to my Word for 2012... Some years I have to spend a copious amounts of time thinking and praying over what word to choose but this year it was loud and clear.
to feed and protect: to nurture one's offspring.
to support and encourage, as during the period of training ordevelopment; foster: to nurture promising musicians.
to bring up; train; educate.
I hope to blog about the depth of my word at a later time but for now, leave a comment on your Word... Or what your hopes and dreams for the New Year!
Happy New Years to you!