A quick check in of sorts as I have a happy wanna be toddler cruising around my feet. He just wants to add to the mess of chaos of cords and random trash that has missed the garbage can. Such fun for an adventuresome kid!
But enough of my current state of affairs...
Our evenings have gained a new tradition. Gathering outside amonst the falling leaves and the cool crisp air is the sound of cheering, yelling and the metalic ching of a bat against a baseball. Luke has found his sport.

Best thing, he has his buddies that he can share this great tradition with. These two are twins and Luke has weasled his way into their family and now they are triplets. I am thankful for all he has learned in baseball and it has been such a fun time learning with him.
And Kylie has a blast too playing with friends while Luke practices.
Late September had us in New York twice last month. But this by far was the best fun I have had with our kids. So many of you donated to Team Wes-Man so I thought you might like a peek into our weekend up in the Big Apple.
Before the Buddy Walk, we all gathered in Time Square where we watched the NDSS video. It was so inspiring to see the amount of community within this group.

While the hussle and bussle of the city was exhilerating (the kids are ready to head on back up there like NOW!) we were happy to come home to North Carolina. I still pinch myself to see if it is really true or just a dream. HOME.
And bonus because we can really celebrate FALL. Ahhhhhh...
Sad that amonst the boxes, this bowl of apples is about the only fall decoration in our home. But who needs any decoration when we can just look outside and see God's handywork for ourselves?
Soon we will be in our new home and I can't wait for it to be filled with warm and cozy things to represent the season. Happy Fall!