This year it is official. I am a homeschool mom to a school age child! I have been a poser for years now, attending homeschool conferences, gathering information from veteran moms and having a blast at preschool at home but this year it is the real deal!
So for quick moments here and there I have finished planning my whole year of school. Loosely of course but it is a start!

Here is what I start with. This is the
Five in A Row Superbook that includes Vol. 1,2 and 3 plus the Christian Bible Supplement. You know it all boils down to less than $1.50 per unit? That is a bargin! Plus you can use it for over three years and if you have muliple children, even longer!

See this pretty cover? It is from the
FIAR planner which helped me a bunch this year! I marked down which days we were doing school and then gave myself a rough estimate of doing 180 days and then for the month of January I decided that we are taking the whole month off to adjust to life as the Jackson 5. ;-) I chose 3 FIAR titles for each month which left a free week to follow any bunny trails or fun things we decided to.

Here are the lesson planning sheets that I adapted from the FIAR planner. I printed off Luke's in blue and of course Kylie's is pink! I will then take the lesson planning sheets and move them to the portfolio when I am done. I wrote down our basic plan and the topics we want to cover for the day in pencil that comes from the curriculum.

Lastly, I printed off any worksheets or maps we might need for those units. I have a large hanging file for each book and I pop all the printables in there. Also, it is a great storage unit for all of their school things according to book after they have completed it! I haven't quite gotten the hang of scrapbooking or notebooking yet so that will have to do. LOL!
Whew! Now I need a vacation before we start school on Aug. 24th!