News came pouring in all day yesterday. My children played around the house oblivious to the tragedy that was unfolding. My heart was being ripped to shreds along with all the other people reeling in the news of such gut wrenching actions from a sick and hurting person. We stayed home all day and I hugged my children tight and thanked God for their presence.
We aren't promised a tomorrow, so as I am so often reminded how we need to make use of our days. Filling one anthers love cup to overflowing by stopping, listening, taking time to connect, to love.
Refueling ourselves with our Sustainer so we can pour out to others. So thankful I am for these people in my lives.
We have been so sick this past week, I was so glad to get outside and breath deep the fresh air that is found outside our four walls. I have cleaned, washed and sanitized everything in hopes that Jon doesn't come down with what we have had. Again, thankful we are all healthy. And active. And together.
This past week has stretched me. Our kids have had cabin fever and I too have snapped one to many times. Hurt feelings, tears, loud voices, repentance, apologies and forgiveness. It is what makes a family strong. Strong enough to weather the storms when they hit. And they will.
We are saddened and we grieve. We think "what ifs" and cry all over again.
We hold tight the ones who are with us. Fearful of letting them go...
But if we take a deep breath and release it all to the One who has us in the palm of his hand, we are free. Free to walk in His footsteps of the path that he has made just for us. Lord may we have the faith to Believe in the plan you have for us. May we let go and trust in You.