She provided the boys with awesome little binoculars so they could hunt for the bear! The boys were ready for the hunt. (And I have no idea why Jake took of his shirt. Oh yeah, he got soaked by the water fountain. Boys.)
If you haven't read this book to your little ones, run out, buy it then read it! I am sure it will be read over and over and over again!
It goes a little like this:
We're going on a bear hunt, we're gonna catch a big one! What a beautiful day, we're not scared!
Uh oh. Grass. Long wavy grass! We can't go over it, we can't go under it. Oh no! We have got to go through it!
Swishy swashy, swishy swashy, swishy swashy!
We're going on a bear hunt, we're gonna catch a big one. What a beautiful day! We're not scared!
Uh oh! A river! A deep cold river!
We can't go over it, we can't go under it. Uh oh! We gotta go through it!
Splash, splosh, splash splosh, splash splosh!
We're going on a bear hunt, we're gonna catch a big one! What a beautiful day! We're not scared!
Uh oh. Mud. Thick oozy mud!
We can't go over it, we can't go under it. Oh no! We gotta go through it!
Squelch squerch! Squelch Squerch! Squelch Squerch!
We're going on a bear hunt, we're gonna catch a big one! What a beautiful day! We're not scared!
Oh uh! A forest. A big dark forest!
We can't go over it, we can't go under it. Oh no! We've got to go through it!
Stumble, trip, stumple trip, stumble trip!
We're going on a bear hunt, we're gonna catch a big one! What a beautiful day! We're not scared!
Uh oh! A snow storm! A swirling whirling snow storm!
We can't go over it, we can't go over it. Oh no! We have got to go through it!
Hooo wooo, hoooo wooooo, hoooo wooooo!
We're going on a bear hunt, we're gonna catch a big one! What a beautiful day! We're not scared!
Uh oh. A cave! A narrow gloomy cave!
We can't go over it, we can't go over it. Oh no! We have got to go through it!
Tip toe, tip toe, tip toe!
What is that! One shiny wet nose, two big furry ears, two big googly eyes! Its a bear!
Quick! Back through the cave!
At this point, the kids were screaming and laughing going back through every activity again to get back to their house.
The bear was chasing them and we couldn't go through all the things fast enough! It was so funny to hear the kids say, tip toe, stumble trip, and squelch squerch as they went backwards towards home.
Swishy swashy, swishy swashy, swishy swashy!
Everyone made it safely home, nice and tucked into their bed. I think I was laughing so hard I forgot to take pictures!
Afterwards, the kids got to hunt around themselves.
The olders thought it was so much fun, they had to give it a go themselves. It was so sweet to see them loving a sweet story too.
Even had their binoculars!
The river.
The bears in waiting. So sweet!
Tip toe, tip toe, tip toe!
Ack! It's a bear!!!
Back through the snowstorm!
It was a cold snow too!
They all made it safely home and tucked into bed.
It was so much fun allowing a book to come to life. I can't wait to do it again! If you are local and are interested in having a Before Five in a Row playdate, let me know and we will work something out! Next on my list is Jesse Bear.
Happy Rowing!