This morning I was enjoying my morning cup of coffee, checking my facebook and all of a sudden I see the North Carolina Home Educators post about field trips. They were headed to Rising Meadows Farm for sheep shearing! What??!!
If you were to be a fly on the wall at that particular moment you would have witnessed three kids vegged out in front of the tv and Jon still asleep! No food had been consumed as of yet but this Momma let out an all call for everyone to get up and get ready! We all threw on some clothes, Jon wandered out from our room dazed and confused, I quickly filled him in on the plan and a quick breakfast was eaten. We were off...
Now, I would love to tell you that we made it there and there were rainbows and unicorns but alas, we got lost. Note to anyone going to Rising Meadows Farm, there is another William Dairy Road in the country in Greensboro... not Liberty! So we entered the new address in the Garmin and we were off again. Needless to say we saw some interesting sights along the way. One being a huge house totally out of touch with the rest of the neighborhood. Looked like a dollhouse mansion. Jon's theory is that someone won the lottery and spent all of it on this house!
30 minutes later, we finally made it. Rolling hills, sheep, chickens and barns... Ahhhhh... A couple from New Zealand came to shear the sheep. It was amazing to watch him work. He was able to clip all of the wool off of the sheep in one big sheet. They didn't use the clippers like you see some do, but used large scissors instead. They said it calmed the sheep and left some wool on their skin to keep them warm.
Sorry about the pics - if you remember in the last post, my camera died and my phone is about all I have...
If you were to be a fly on the wall at that particular moment you would have witnessed three kids vegged out in front of the tv and Jon still asleep! No food had been consumed as of yet but this Momma let out an all call for everyone to get up and get ready! We all threw on some clothes, Jon wandered out from our room dazed and confused, I quickly filled him in on the plan and a quick breakfast was eaten. We were off...
Now, I would love to tell you that we made it there and there were rainbows and unicorns but alas, we got lost. Note to anyone going to Rising Meadows Farm, there is another William Dairy Road in the country in Greensboro... not Liberty! So we entered the new address in the Garmin and we were off again. Needless to say we saw some interesting sights along the way. One being a huge house totally out of touch with the rest of the neighborhood. Looked like a dollhouse mansion. Jon's theory is that someone won the lottery and spent all of it on this house!
30 minutes later, we finally made it. Rolling hills, sheep, chickens and barns... Ahhhhh... A couple from New Zealand came to shear the sheep. It was amazing to watch him work. He was able to clip all of the wool off of the sheep in one big sheet. They didn't use the clippers like you see some do, but used large scissors instead. They said it calmed the sheep and left some wool on their skin to keep them warm.
Sorry about the pics - if you remember in the last post, my camera died and my phone is about all I have...
Jake was trying to climb over the fence to get to the nice sheep. They loved being petted!
Luke admiring all of the sheep who were either waiting their turn or already sheared.
Such beautiful pasture land!
Kylie in front of the many bags of fleece. You could buy them there to clean, card and then spin.
After we finally made it, we had a great time. The people were super nice and informative. Next time we go out there though I hope it is a tad warmer! The wind was cutting!