So we were at our nextdoor neighbors house celebrating their sweet girl's 4th birthday when all of a sudden, a hoopin' and a hollering comes from the kids. It is snowing! It is snowing! We all rush to the windows and sure enough...
So at the fastest possible moment for the party festivities to conclude, all the kids were begging to go outside to play. We even had to beg them back inside off the patio at one point! They were all in their socks with no jackets! At last, the kids donned their jackets and boots and headed outside.

Our house backs up to a natural area and the kids love to go out back and explore in the bushes and tree area. Thankfully we could see the boys' heads out there! Don't know if I have mentioned this, but I love our neighbors! They have the same crazy adventurous spirit as we do (I think we were the only families outside in the snow!!! *gasp*!) and so Gabe and Luke had a blast out in the "wilderness."

And yes, I did zip up his jacket from the first picture...

For the first year we actually decorated our house for the holidays. In Florida, we never quite could get that holiday feeling but here? No problem. I think the chilly temps have really helped us out in that department.

Kylie being oh so nice by not throwing that at me!

And for some fun snow pictures. Yes, I am not used to this still and get a bit giddy when anything exciting happens!

Looking up into the sky!

And finally, Jake had to get out in the snow too. Poor guy looks like the little brother in A Christmas Story. It was all good until he wanted to crawl and then it all went downhill fast. Guess Jake isn't all that fond of cold fingers.
The rest of the day included a lot of hot chocolate, a cozy fire and friends in our home. The snow melted off the next day but we sure enjoyed it while it lasted!