While most go out on boats, our boys are able to hang out at a member's home and fish from their dock. I wish I could share some fun pictures of my guys but since they are in foster care, I am not able to publish their photos. :(

The owners of the home also have a smattering of animals in their front yard. All the boys really enjoyed playing with the animals and feeding them. My kids enjoyed themselves as well!

Awww, I will go ahead and post this one pic of some of the guys and my children playing in the river. ;)

Kylie enjoying a rest and checking out the view from her hammock. That would be a perfect place for a book or a nice nap!

The tide was low so the kids could go out and explore the river floor. Kylie found a really cool old glass bottle that she gave to the owner of the home. She said she has found some interesting relecs in the sand there.

All of these pictures were taking on my cheap phone and this one happened to be totally by accident as I was swinging my arm! I thought it looked cool so I saved it. I just love all of the cypress and the moss.
We really enjoyed our day and I think the boys really liked the change of scenery. This is what makes working at the Children's Home fun!