Here’s how it works: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. You need to tag others and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog
7 Random Facts about Kristina
~ My dates with my DH were either working with his Youth Group, transporting children on each other's caseload (we worked for the State of FL) or helping a single mom with her 4 kids. We definitely knew each other's parenting style by the time we were married! Talk about romantic huh??
~ Upon being married, we already had a 14 year old son. I was 13 when I had him!! Ok, not really, we adopted a boy that my DH had on his caseload (also from the state of FL.!) He has since returned to his bio mom.
~ My secret passion is scuba diving. When my kids get old enough to snorkel, we will be living in the ocean! I haven't gone since I have been married which is 6 years. It is dern expensive to take a trip when you aren't working for a dive shop - which I did when I was in college.
~ I never thought I would homeschool. I thought the PS system was foolproof... Then I moved to Florida.
~ Out of all my friends, I think I have the fewest kids (2). My friends who were childless not 7 months ago, just got pregnant with triplets! Everyone around me seems to be pregnant or with a new baby so I have the itch BAD! Pray for my poor DH...
~ I think about moving almost daily. I love where I am but I enjoy the excitement of being somewhere new. My DH shares this passion thankfully!
~ We go to Theme parks almost every other week! Hey, we live in Orlando. I just pray that my kids grow up normal. I mean who can compete with a theme park - they think it is a normal outing just like a playground or the library!
DONE! That was hard! Now the really hard part starts... Tagging someone else. I am going to tag two people I would love to see around blogsphere more. I love their stories and their humor just cracks me up. Now Megan is someone I work with. She has one of those new babies I was talking about! He us a cutey by the way. If you click on the link, you will see his picture. And Shay, well she also has a good excuse of why she isn't blogging too much. She also has a sweet precious new bundle. And a bunch of other kids too. Her heart is so sweet and I really miss hearing what she has to say! So now you have been tagged.